Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stress and job satisfaction among social workers and support workers, Essay

Stress and job satisfaction among social workers and support workers, implications for the care management model. Case study of an organisation in liverpool - Essay Example More recently this is apparent in the wealth of prescriptive â€Å"how to do it† guides currently published. With the context of the proposed study we will consider the term â€Å"collaboration† to denote the notion of organisations that â€Å"work together† , this in itself will encompass those terms that are considered parallel to it, for example: co-ordination; co-operation and networking. This will allow facilitate a direct application of the wider concept of the term to the planned study. However, a working definition of the term â€Å"collaboration† would be offered at the outset from a wider consideration of the current literature available. From a personal perspective having worked in the social care industry, I have viewed first hand the constraints and concerns that are endemic within the social care setting, these being impacted by the levels of macro management styles, systems and strategies that enforce the need for greater review, deployment and utilisation of precious resources. In this respect exploring the collaborative system within the context of social care will afford me greater understanding of the systems that govern and impact welfare provision in the United Kingdom (UK). Having now introduced the nature of the potential enquiry we can now move to briefly consider the current debate in literature that has informed the initial interest in this project subject and hypothesis proposed. The culture of collaboration has in recent years been debated and discussed within academic circles to the point where this empirical debate now firmly focused on developing a wider theoretical understanding of this concept within the context of corporate and societal macro and micro models. At this state it is important to offer a definition of the term â€Å"collaboration†, although it is worth noting that its meaning and

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