Thursday, July 18, 2019

Spanish Language and Latin America

1 International baccalaureate Hi invention of the the Statess HL Required pass Reading Study Guide born(p) in profligate and Fire A condensed History of Latin the States By John Charles Chasteen Foreign affairs November/December 2000 states Born in Blood and Fire is a briskly compose yet sophisticated introduction to Latin the States that will be greatly welcomed by non-specialists and experts alike. Chasteen paints on a in truth broad canvas, but he succeeds in capturing with enviable conciseness the major ingredients of Latin the Statess uniqueness and complexity.Especially welcome is his graceful desegregation of brazil into the overall picture, which general histories of Latin the States often lack. He prime(prenominal) takes the reader from the European conquest d nonpareil the compound consolidation by Spain and Portugal onwards looking at the role of original communities in the new order compel by the Europeans and African slaverys social and cultural consequenc es. He then follows with the indep barency causes and the untrue attempts at nation-building in the nineteenth speed of light race, ethnicity, religious and free ideologies, and the roles of primal individuals atomic number 18 also covered.Chasteen concludes with the recent return to economical liberalism, this time in the context of absolved elections, continuing poverty, and social exclusion of stupendous segments of the population. A stellar performance summertime Reading Directions The answers to these questions should be well plan out, typed, 12 point font, single spaced, tonic Times Roman. The completed review airplane is a summer long wreak that is not designed and should not be attempted at the last minute. This subsidization will be due on the jump full civilize solar day of the 2011 2012 academic school year.These questions will break you for the first 2 day trial run made up of 96 septuple choice questions and 57 matching terminations. This is the fi rst grade of the course and will stigmatise the study tempo for the remainder of the school year. 2 Study Guide/ password Questions John Charles Chasteens Born in Blood and Fire A Concise History of Latin the States. Chapter 1 head start Stop, the Present 1. 2. 3. 4. According to Chasteen, what is the unifying pedestal or unifying conflict that characterizes Latin American history? Is this a in force(p) choice? What might be round strengths or weaknesses of this focus?why do Cuba and brazil cod such senior high populations of African Americans? Define liberalism as Chasteen uses the term What are the different attitudes toward Latin Americans that gather in been common in the U. S. during the twentieth snow? Chapter 2 Encounter (1492-1600) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What were some of the ship canal the historical and cultural context of the Iberian peninsula shaped the attitudes and practices of Europeans who first sailed to the Americas? Compare the Lusitanian colonization of brazil nut with the Spanish small town of what would conk out Mexico and Peru.Important similarities and differences? What larger significance does Chasteen bewitch in the name change from Island of the h acenessst Cross to Brazil? What three areas of Africa provided the majority of Black slaves for the Americas? Members of which European country became the n wee active slave traders? From Chasteens perspective, what were the key factors that enabled vastly outnumbered Spanish forces to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires? In what specific slipway do Las Casass life and values stand in production line to those of the majority of Spaniards who came to the Americas? in brief go down or line the pursual(a) foothold Encomienda Tupi Pedro Alvarez Cabral Moors Francisco Pizarro Malinche (Marina) Salvador (Bahia) Chapter 3 Colonial Crucible (1600-1810) 1. 2. 3. 4. In what ways did economic realities contribute to the prosperity and influence of colonial Spanish America in co mparison to colonial Brazil? Name the four viceroyalties and their capitals that came to exist in Spanish America What does Chasteen beggarly on p. 77 when he says that transculturation and hegemony often went in concert in Latin America?Do you think hes expert? Name four areas that Chasteen considers peripheral areas or backwaters of colonial Latin America 3 5. Compare attitudes toward race in Latin America as described in this chapter with attitudes in the U. S. as you understand them. What satisfying similarities or differences do you see? presently localise or localize the next cost Sor Juana de la Cruz honor in Latin America Gracias al sacar Quilombos and Palenques Potosi Zumbi tumult of Gonzalo Pizarro Tupac Amaru II Engenho AleijadinhoChapter 4 Independence (1810-1825) 1. 2. 3. 4. In what ways did events in Europe make a motion the movements for liberty in Latin America? According to Chasteen, which independence movements in Spanish America were actually touriste d revolutions? Which were in the beginning revolutions from above? How did the Brazilian independence movement compare with those in Spanish America? What impact did the independence movements have on patterns of colonialism in Spanish America? presently define or divulge the undermentioned terms Creoles Jose Maria Morelos Llaneros Simon Bolivar Jose Antonio Paez Peninsulars Vicente Guerrero and Augustin de Iturbide Nativism Battle of Ayacucho Miguel Hidalgo Pedro I Chapter 5 Postcolonial Blues (1825-1850) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did liberalism in Latin America seem to break dance in the long time future(a) the wars of independence? What were some of the main characteristics of a caudillo? What factors helped Brazil maintain its territorial unity during the years when m each regions of Spanish America were microprocessor chip into numerous new nations?In what ways does Chasteen suggest the social structure in Latin America remained the same subsequently independence? How did it c hange? Who were the main outsiders multiform in Latin America during this closure? This outside involvement was particularly illustrious in the two former centers of colonial power, Mexico and Peru. What shape did it take in each fanny? short define or identify the following terms Juan Manuel de Rosas El Supremo Caste fight of Yucatan Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna The regency years el pueblo Rafael Carrera La Nina Central American commonwealth 4Chapter 6 Progress (1850-1880) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What were some of the satisfying aspects of liberalism emphasized by the key Latin American liberals mentioned in this section (be as specific as possible)? Why did Maximilian damp to reinstate conservative radiation diagram in Mexico? base on Chasteens examples, what seems to have been the about common way for women to plump public figures during the nineteenth century (the few, that is, who did become public figures)? Give two examples. Liberals in genus Argentina agreed on the trad itionalistic tenets of Latin American liberalism. What issue divided them?Compare the way Argentine and Brazilian liberals confronted what they considered the national tragedy of racially complex societies. Do leaders in one of these countries seem to be less racialist in their thinking than leaders of the former(a)? Briefly explain the issues and significance of the following wars (and note the dates when each took place) The Triple alinement War The War of the Pacific The Chaco War Briefly define or identify the following terms Benito Juarez Birds Without a nuzzle (1889) Golden Law William Walker 10 Years War Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 6.Chapter 7 Neocolonialism (1880-1930) 1. cite the great export boom that mark Progress for Latin America amidst 1870-1930. What were its most all meaning(a)(p) characteristics? Which crops or exports seemed most beneficial to Latin Americans and why? Which one seemed most harmful? Compare the regimens of Mexico and Brazil during the neoc olonial period Based on this chapter how do the ideas of neocolonialism and importing Progress relate to one another? Early in the chapter, Chasteen suggests that the idea of neocolonialism is both an internal and an external phenomenon.What does he mean, and, after reading the chapter, would you agree with that compendium? Describe the rise of U. S. influence in Latin America Why did the southern Cone region of Latin America attract the majority of the new immigrants? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Briefly define or identify the following terms banana republics Ruben Dario Porfiriato Cientificos Rebellion in the Backlands Paulina Luisi Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Cesar Augusto Sandino Positivism Pan o palo Jose Marti Jose Enrique Rodo 5 Chapter 8 subject fieldism (1910-1945) 1. 2. 3. . 5. Based on the chapter, what were the most important aspects of nationalism in Latin America? Why did nationalism emerge in the early decades of the twentieth century? Compare and contrast nat ionalism in Mexico with that in Argentina and Uruguay and also with Brazil. Did nationalism in any one of these countries seem more constitutional than in the others? Why? Why did import-substitution industrialisation (ISI) provide greater benefits for countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina than for places like the Dominican majority rule or Honduras?Why did the wave of nationalism seem to have very trivial impact on Central America? Briefly define or identify the following terms Constitution of 1917 Pancho Villa Constitutionalists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Batllismo Hipolito Yrigoyen original Raul Haya de la Torre Indigenismo ISI Getulio Vargas Estado Novo Heitor Villa Lobos Lazaro Cardenas Good dwell polity Mexicos declaration of economic independence Populists Juan and Evita Peron Emiliano Zapata Chapter 9 Revolution (1945-1960) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why would capital of Brazil represent the perfect symbolism of the ost-Vargas flake in Brazil and the PRI the perfect symbol for Mexico at the same time (252)? Chapter 8 talked about the popularity of Roosevelts Good Neighbor Policy. Why did relations between the U. S. and major Latin American countries begin to lick in the post-WWII years? Why did the U. S. set up the bailiwick Revolutionary Movement (MNR) in Bolivia while it actively supported a proxy force to oust Arbenz in Guatemala? Based on this textbook, would you say the Cuban revolution was more an expression of Marxism or of nationalism? Why? What were the goals of liberation worship?Briefly define or identify the following terms Raul Prebish Jacobo Arbenz Che Guevara Bay of Pigs (1961) declaration of Caracas (1954) Pablo Naruda Fulgencio Batista Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Juan Jose Arevalo Jorge Luis Borges Granma Paulo Freire 6 Chapter 10 Reaction (1960-1990) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. On what stem does Chasteen argue that the Soviet Union was not involved in Latin American Marxist movements outside of Cuba during the 1960s and se venties? Why did rule by host juntas become widespread in Latin America by the mid-1970s?What did the Brazilian generals mean when they said that the cake had to rise in the beginning it could be gashd? Why didnt the poor ever get their slice? How did the Argentine experience of military rule differ from that of Brazil? What were the most important factors that contributed to the overthrow of the Popular Unity government in Chile? In which countries of Latin America were dirty wars most wild and devastating? What were the main factors that fueled guerilla wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador? Why does Chasteen place Colombia in the countercurrents section at the end of the chapter?What was different about Colombia? Briefly define or identify the following terms national security doctrine adhesion for Progress Gabriel Garcia Marquez Las Madres de la Plaza de mayo Tupamaros Salvador Allende Augusto Pinochet Tlatelolco massacre dirty war Somoza family Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) Contras Daniel Ortega Violeta Chamorro fourteen families Oscar Romero Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) La Violencia Pablo Escobar and the Medillin stipulation M-19 U. S. School of the Americas Chapter 11 Neoliberalism (1990- ? ) 1. 2. 3. 4.Why did neoliberalism become the popular political/economic ideology for Latin America during the 1990s? Compare neoliberalism with the liberalism with the liberal reforms that swept the region from 1870-1930in what important ways are they similar? How do they differ? What insights does the Chilean success story provide into the strengths and weaknesses of neoliberalism? What are the primary environmental issues surrounding the Amazonian rain forest? Briefly define or identify the following terms Neoliberalism MERCOSUR Zapatistas NAFTA Maquiladora Candomble, Umbanda, Santeria

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