Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Immanuel Kant s Moral Philosophy - 2217 Words

Introduction: What is moral philosophy? Moral philosophy refers to the branch of philosophy concerned with ethics, in other words, What actions are right or wrong in particular circumstances?. Although there are two apparent options to choose from (the ‘right’ one, and the ‘wrong’ one), morals and ethics are more complicated than what we perceive it to be at first glance. For example, who decides which of the two is the more morally ‘correct’ option? What one perceives to be the ‘right’ option, may be an incorrect option to another person. So which person is morally correct? We can now clearly see how subjective morals and ethics can be. Although you may now come to the conclusion that there is no right option, and that the morally correct option is simply an opinion, various renowned philosophers have set out on a mission to identify the best method to determine the most morally correct action. Who was Immanuel Kant? Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is one of the most influential philosophers, renowned for his contribution to various branches of philosophy, including metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, and ethics. In relation to the most morally ‘correct’ philosophy, Kant was a vigorous advocate of deontology. He was a firm believer that reason (rational thinking) is the source of morality, that is, our actions should not be influenced by emotions (particularly happiness), but purely based off duty and obligations. To solidify his judgement of what he perceives to be theShow MoreRelatedImmanuel Kant s Philosophy On Moral And Good And Evil Behavior1413 Words   |  6 Pages Moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy which focuses and investigates the ideas of right and wrong and good and evil behavior. Moral philosophers have researched and justified the logical consequences of moral or ethical beliefs.When we think of morals, we think of rules that tell us which actions are right and which are wrong. 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