Monday, May 18, 2020

Christianinty in Beowulf - 686 Words

Beowulf is an epic poem that is highly revered by scholars. The poem focalizes on the hero Beowulf – a Geat belonging to Sweden – and his journey to capturing immortality through his achievements and legacy: Beowulf secures victories in vicious fights with baneful creatures. A religious presence – of both Christian and Pagan beliefs – seems to be steadfast, all through Beowulf’s battles; on the account of these battles, readers can infer that even the strongest heroes need spiritual assistance or motivation to succeed. During the period of Beowulf‘s conception, pagan practices were prominent. The pagan society believed in the idea of fame: the society did not believe in the concept of the afterlife, so the only way people saw to transcend their lives – ‘life on after death’– was to achieve a legacy that was brimful of fame, or glory. Beowulf is no exception to this practice. Beowulf’s victories sprung from the motivation of attaining glory. In the midst of the battle against Grendel’s mother, â€Å"Hygelac’s Kinsman [Beowulf] kept thinking about / his name and fame: he never lost heart. / â€Å"(107). Beowulf is egged on, by his name and glory, to achieve victory over Grendel’s mother, whilst he was struggling: his sword â€Å"refused to bite† (105), and Grendel’s mother was beginning to lead during the battle. Being egged on by pagan beliefs, Beowulf is able to secure victory, and â€Å"his glory was secure[d]/† (113).Beowulf motivation, of fame and glory, is also ascertained in his

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