Saturday, August 10, 2019

Quiz 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Quiz 3 - Essay Example The signings comments are used to emphasise important of legislation. For example, a piece of legislation had been passed on the time when it is needed the most, or it serves to solve some pressing problem at the time (Woolley and Peters). The United State emphasis and practise individualism more than collectivism because the former drives people to produce more and thus the economy of the country is always growing. However, collectivism leads to laxity among some individuals who are not willing to work as hard as other people. Therefore, this phenomenon is experienced even in politics where Politician’s and stick to their party ideology. This obstructs opportune moment of collective bargaining and bipartisan legislation. A legislative veto is an administrative law that is passed by a majority of congress to object or nullify an executive order (Cornell University Law School). For example, The Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act requires a Congressional veto for it to be effected. The act was published in August 5, 1983 even after it has been found unconstitutional by the Supreme

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