Thursday, February 20, 2020

Discuss the balance between ludological (gameplay) elements and Essay

Discuss the balance between ludological (gameplay) elements and narratological (story) elements in games. Is one more important - Essay Example The ultimate goal of such analysis is to move from a taxonomy of elements to an understanding of how these elements are arranged in actual narratives, fictional and nonfictional.† [Pradl 1984] A typical application of narratological methodologies would include sociolinguistic studies of storytelling and in conversation analysis or discourse analysis that deal with narratives arising in the course of spontaneous verbal interaction. The study of narrative is particularly important since our ordering of time and space in narrative forms constitutes one of the primary ways we construct meaning in general. The narratological approach is characterised by its overriding concern with narrative structure, and the close attention it pays to the effects that this structure has on the shaping and unfolding of narratives. Literary theory and narratology have also been very helpful to understand cybertexts and videogames. Narratology theories are used to bring the aspect of storytelling, a s cenario, a scene, characters and a plot of which the user plays through and experiences and takes part in the story that unfolds. Rhetorically Narratological elements in games, especially in videogames, are somewhat makes them more stunning to public and to players. They somewhat brings the beauty inside the game. The players, sometimes, tend to spend more attention to the story of the game than to the gameplay or the environment of the game. Take along this RPG’s (role-playing games) for example, Star Wars the game, players tend to stay focused and tuned-in on the story than being focused on the interactivity of the game. In other words, they are having the willingness to complete the game mainly because they want to know what happens next in the story. They become eager to advance the game from one level to another for the next plot. Apparently, game designers tend to have their work based on books, epics, legends, myths, heroes, or even on films. By this, they attract play ers more. As far as Narratology is concerned and used in videogames and in cybertexts, here comes ludology - â€Å"the academic study of videogames† [Keats 2006]. Using narratological elements as framework in designing a game is indeed very useful, yet it cannot be the only framework to be applied. Ludology from the words ludus means game and logus study. It speaks of the gameplay of a game. It scrutinizes the interactivity of the game. The acts you will make in order to move inside the game, the graphics, the setting, colours, sizes and shapes, etc. It talks about how the game will appear on screen. Ludology is obviously widely used in games. It is where critiques site their comment. They would not say â€Å"This game sucks. It has a vague story.† The ludology perspective is useful and can stand alone than narratology is. It directly applies to some games. For example players do not play tetris for a story. They would not bother asking â€Å"Where is entertainment he re? Where is the story?† Also in popular games like Mario by Nintendo are better suited as a game and criticised on its gameplay and graphics rather than on the story. Most players tend to play a Mario game not to see if Mario meets Princess Peach but for each level’s design and other gameplay elements that make the game more exciting. Narratology and ludology are being opposed by most. However, these two adjacent and independent perspectives must be clearly understood to arrive on to a bigger

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

FAMILY HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FAMILY HISTORY - Essay Example Lucky enough nobody from my past contracted Spanish flu as my relatives who were in the Arm were given vaccine to prevent them as their families from the illness. My grandparents were still farmers who mainly planted corn and kept domestic animals such as horses. The roaring of the 20’s, however, made them migrate to Texas were my father was born but in a later time. The prohibition did not affect anybody in my family line as nobody was concerned with alcohol. The years before World War II significantly affected my family as my relatives, who took part in World War I, were called up again for World War II. Two of my relatives lost their lives during the war, which seriously affected the family. According to my father, my grandparents got an indoor toilet precisely in 1938. Some of my relatives started working particularly in the white collar sector. My grandparents, however, kept up with their farming. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, a relative of mine who passed on, in 1970, was there and gave my relatives stories of how the soldiers were lucky to survive the unexpected attack. However, they had a hard time recovering from the effects of World War II as it took the lives of two of my relatives away. During the cold war era, people living in the U.S. had a capitalist culture, and this is how my family mainly lived (Forbes 14). During the McCarthy era, a lot of families were accused of being communists, but my family showed loyalty to the American government and these accusations did not reach them. The animated film, The Wolf Man, was much appreciated by my family members. They already had a TV set before this time, and some of the favorite shows the Lets Rhumba show. My parents were born during this time. My relatives were concerned in keeping the family business of selling corn going. During the assassination of President Kennedy, my father remembers how the country mourned for losing